Veneers and lumineers. Types of veneers and what is the difference between them

You decided to install veneers, but do not know which are better to choose? First of all, in most cases, everything will depend on your situation and the condition of the teeth. But in order for us to be in the same information field, let's look at what types of veneers exist and how they differ from each other.

Lumineers (non-prep veneers)

люминирыLumineers are delicate ceramic restorations that are placed on your teeth. That is, turning is not required. The only manipulation that will be performed on the teeth is a small grinding. Lumineers are made on the basis of feldspar, due to which they have high aesthetic properties. The thickness of a non-prep veneer is approximately 0.1-0.3 mm, so they can not affect the color of the teeth. Such veneers only add “shine” to your teeth, making your smile perfect. Since lumineers are installed on top of your own teeth, it is worth considering that the shape will change slightly (it will become slightly more convex). This is due to the addition of volume to the teeth, so non-prep veneers are perfect for people who have gaps between the teeth.

Also, lumineers have their own installation restrictions, namely, that your teeth should be without filling materials and any kind of changes.

The cost of non-prep veneers will be slightly higher than that of ceramic ones due to time-consuming production requiring ultra-precise and accurate treatment. Because one awkward movement - and the lumineer can crack or break. And for the same reason, non-prep veneers are made without additional fittings, since during logistic movements they can be damaged and simply not make it.

Invasive veneers (requiring turning)

Invasive veneers include ceramic (porcelain) and zirconia veneers. Such artistic restoration of teeth is necessary for those who want to radically change the color and shape. E-max ceramic crowns can also be used for tooth restoration.
To install this type of veneers, it is necessary to prepare (grind) the tooth, removing from it from 0.3 to 1 mm of enamel. But it is this manipulation that allows to make a beautiful Hollywood smile.

виниры рига

Ceramic veneers

This type of veneer is made of high-quality ceramic, which may also include feldspar. Ceramic veneers are considered the most versatile and are most often used in dentistry. They have good aesthetic characteristics and reasonable price.

E-max ceramic crowns

E-max crowns are made from a harder material, which includes glass-ceramics (lithium disilicate). Such ceramic crowns can be installed on both front and chewing teeth, but from the aesthetic side, they will be slightly inferior to porcelain veneers.
The undoubted advantage of these ceramic crowns is that they can also be installed on implants after prosthetic. Glass ceramics are very durable and flexible, so they can be easily adjusted. With such crowns, it will not be difficult to finish/change the shape, add volume and so on.

Zirconia veneers

зубные винирыZirconia veneers have the highest aesthetic characteristics. Their color rendition, as well as light refraction, are as close as possible to natural teeth, but such dental veneers also have their drawbacks.

The fact is that zirconia veneers can peel off over time since zirconium dioxide is not so firmly glued to the tooth as ceramics. But in practice this is not so scary. Most likely this is an exception to the rule than a rule. But the fact remains.

Also, depending on the structure of the teeth, veneers are divided into classic ones that cover the front side of the tooth, and veneers with an approach on the side “wings”. The second option is necessary when you need to file off the lateral contacts of the teeth so that the transition from the tooth to the veneer is not visible. Since after a while, if this procedure is not carried out and dental veneers are placed, the junction of the tooth and the veneer will be very noticeable.

Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor (or rather several) before deciding on the installation of veneers. Fill in the form for a free 15-minute video consultation (Zoom) or post your question on Facebook or in the email, and find out all the detailed information about your future smile

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