If your teeth are badly damaged and cannot be restored using a regular filling material, then crown installation will help you.

What is a dental crown and what is it for?

Crowns on teeth are a dental structure that is mounted on machined tooth enamel and completely hides its aesthetic imperfections. Also, the dental crown will help restore chewing function and prevent further destruction of dental tissue.

The crown is installed if your teeth are badly damaged by caries, erosion or serious injuries.

We individually consider each case of our patients and select the type of crowns that is right for you. Sign up online and personally consult with a doctor regarding your situation.

Which crowns are best?
Metal ceramic crowns

The basis of metal ceramic crowns is made of ceramic, which is mounted on a metal frame.


• These crowns have an attractive appearance and are highly durable.

• Metal ceramic crowns will last you more than 5 years

• Do not shine through

• Have an ideal ratio of price of a crown and quality


• They are heavier than other designs

• Installation of metal ceramic crowns requires strong grinding of the tooth

• The metal from the bottom of the crowns may shine through a little

Zirconia crowns

Dental crowns of this type are made of zirconium oxide and have a great appearance.


• They look as natural and beautiful as possible.

• Zirconium crowns are firmly fixed on enamel and fit perfectly on the gum

• Serve more than 7 years and do not lose appearance


• The price of zirconia crowns is much higher than other types

Ceramic crowns

These crowns are made from pressed ceramics. Unlike the above crowns, ceramic ones are less durable.


• Ideal for anterior teeth, as they have a natural appearance.

• They let in light just like real teeth do.

• Ceramic crowns can be fixed without removing the tooth nerve


• Low durability

• These cap for teeth are not suitable for bridge prosthetics.

How long does it take to install a crown on a tooth?

The installation of crowns takes several minutes, but the preparatory stage can be quite long. If the crown on the tooth will be installed due to the destroyed bone tissue caused by caries, periodontitis and other diseases, then it will be necessary to make a depulpation (removal of the tooth nerve) and fill the canals. After that, the process of grinding the enamel will take place (preparation). This procedure takes about an hour, but the time will depend on the material of the prosthesis. Metal ceramic crowns require stronger removal of enamel, but crowns made of zirconium dioxide and ceramics can be mounted on a slightly turned tooth.

How are crowns installed?

Stage 1. Consultation

During the initial consultation, the doctor evaluates the condition of your teeth and draws up an individual treatment plan. After that, you jointly select and coordinate the material of the crowns, calculate the final cost and proceed to the preparation of the teeth.

Stage 2. Preparation for the installation of crowns

It includes treatment of all foci of infection in the oral cavity, removal of nerves in some cases, filling of channels and turning of the tooth. After the manipulations, the orthopedist will make dental pick-up impressions and send them to the laboratory for the manufacture of crowns. This procedure takes approximately 4-10 days. During this period, the doctor makes a temporary prosthesis so that you do have to walk with your teeth grinded.

Stage 3. Installing the crown on the tooth

After your dental crown is ready, the fitting process will follow. If the crown does not sit tight enough or causes discomfort, it will be sent to a dental laboratory for revision. After making the necessary adjustments, the doctor will begin to install. The orthopedic design is placed on dental cement and then, using a special lamp, the crowns are firmly fixed to your teeth.

Price for dental crowns

You can familiarize yourself with the prices of dental crowns in the Prices section. Entrust your smile to our professionals and sign up for a consultation online or by phone +37123302158

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Important! After 30.01.2025 we plan to revise the prices of treatment and surgery. In order to lock in your current prices, make an appointment for a consultation today.
