Install an implant or save a tooth: What to choose?
If your tooth breaks at the gum level or deeper, the crown breaks off, or you notice rotting, then the first thing you need to do is consult a dentist. Often, you may hear a suggestion to remove the tooth residues and install the implant, instead of trying to save the tooth. And this also has a place to be, because the doctor who advises you something is guided by his experience and knowledge, and not all doctors know the methods of preserving teeth. And in some cases, it’s completely impossible to preserve the root of the tooth.
However, it is often possible to preserve the root, and later use it to restore the tooth. Let's see which is better: implant or root? And in what cases you need to save the tooth, and in which it is better to immediately put the implant.
Living root VS Dental implant
The living root of the tooth has strong connective tissue that holds it in the bone. These tissues are called periodontal (hence the name of the disease - periodontitis, when the teeth fall out spontaneously). So, these same tissues fix the root of the tooth, which, in turn, holds and nourishes the bone tissue. And due to this, the volume of the bone does not fall and it looks aesthetically beautiful.
But the implant does not have such connective tissue, because it is screwed into the gum purely mechanically. Therefore, there is a certain percentage of people whose dental implant does not take root, since the human body rejects it. But there is also another drawback with implants. Over time, the bone tissue begins to subside little by little and after 10-15 years you will have to undergo a bone augmentation surgery and again put in a dental implant.
If you save the root of the tooth, then it will be able to serve you another 10-15 years. And then it will be possible to put an implant. So in total you will win 20-30 years and then you will not need to carry out the procedure to build up the dental tissue.
Ways to save a living tooth
As mentioned above, it is possible and even necessary to save a tooth, but all this is done based on your situation and at the discretion of the doctor. The best option would be if you consult with several doctors, as someone can refuse, and someone can save. Often these are dentists with many years of experience who have mastered tooth rescue techniques. So, let's move on to the methods of saving the tooth:
Option 1. Orthodontic tooth extrusion
If your tooth broke under the gum, then it can be saved by the orthodontic method, namely by extrusion of the tooth.
During extrusion, the tooth root is pulled out of the gums using special rubbers and after that the doctor can proceed to its treatment. But this is a very long process, which can last up to six months, until the tooth slowly leaves its place. During extrusion, the tooth root extends from under the gums and outward. Then the tooth is treated, the channels are cleaned, pins and a dental crown are placed.
The advantage of this method is that the root of the tooth remains with the patient.
Option 2. Tooth turning
Sometimes there is simply no time to wait until the root of the tooth can be easily pulled out. Or there are cases when, after extrusion, the tooth root has not yet sufficiently cured out and cannot be treated. In such a situation, it will be necessary to turn the tooth a little deeper under the gum. The tooth is grinded according to the B.O.P.T technique (biologically oriented preparation of the tooth), lengthening the supporting part, then the roots are treated, a pin and a crown are installed. On average, it takes one and a half to two months.
Option 3. Surgical lengthening of the crown of the tooth
If your teeth are cracked, and to fix this defect it will be necessary to lengthen them (for example, there will not be enough length to put a crown on the tooth), then it will be necessary to use the surgical method of lengthening the crown of the tooth. With this method, the gum is cut and opened, bone tissue is cut under it, and then it is pulled back, thereby reducing the volume and aesthetic appearance of the gum. But at the same time, the length of the tooth becomes longer, which allows you to install crowns on the teeth.
Then after a while it will be possible to build up bone tissue and install implants according to your desire.
In conclusion…
- If possible, always try to opt for maintaining the root of the tooth.
- The correct application of dental restoration methods will help you maintain your own tooth, which will last for many years (from 5 to 15 years).
- The incorrect technique for performing a tooth restoration procedure will cause the structure to peel off, and as a result, the transition to implants will happen much faster.
- Before making a final decision, consult with several medical specialists and choose someone who will be able to preserve the root of the tooth.
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